Sunday, March 4, 2012

23 weeks

I have been feeling baby move more and more! I even saw my belly move this week, wow that was crazy! My belly has really popped out within the last few weeks.

Weight gain- as of last friday I have gained a total of 9 pounds. So that means I've gained 6 pounds in just 3 weeks, yikes! I'm hoping I can keep it to a pound a week... until the end when you usually gain more per week. At this rate of gaining 6 every three weeks, thats putting me at gaining 30 MORE pounds than I already have. Uh oh! Not lookin good for my goal weight of 35 total weight gain during this pregnancy.

Maternity clothes- this week I wore my maternity jeans for the first time. Friday I wore my regular jeans to school and it was fine cause I was standing all day. However, that night we went to Joe's Pizza to eat and I confess I had to unbutton my pants after eating! It hurt so bad! I feel like when I eat big meals my stomach gets so bloated and feels like it literally can't stretch anymore!! Saturday I went shopping with my sisters and since we were going to be in the car for over an hour I thought I better play it safe and wear the maternity jeans so I was comfortable. I wore the full panel kind, and I wasn't a fan. The band kept falling down and I felt like my pants were sagging all day. Sunday I tried out the elastic waist band kind which are just below the belly. I liked these much better! They seemed to stay put. I'm so grateful that Jen is letting me borrow her summer maternity clothes. I will buy a few stuff here and there so I don't wear hers out, but I'm thinkin this summer I'll probably wear a lot of dresses to teach in and then athletic type clothes when I'm not at work. The jeans with the panel aren't going to cut it when it's 95 degrees out!

Cravings: I haven't had NEAR as many cravings this trimester as I did in my first. In fact, I can say that I don't think I've had any. In my first trimester all I wanted was salad type stuff, nothing to do with cookies/cupcakes/sugary food. Unfortunatly that has gone away and I can eat all that stuff again, haha, willingly!

Baby's Growth: At 23 weeks the baby weighs a little over a pound. They say it is as big as a pomegranate and around 11 inches long. The top of my uterus is now an inch above my belly button. I can totally tell this because the baby seems to always kick me high above the belly button!! Speaking of belly button, it hasn't popped. I'm not sure if it will pop or just stretch out. It seems pretty flat except at the top.

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