Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Here is our little guy awake!
Hunter it seems like everyday you are changing in one way or another! Some days you sure are a puzzle! We've had you on Gerber Gentle formula for about 5 weeks now and you were doing great on it. Until just recently... you've started the whole constipation thing again.. uhh! AND the most recent thing you've started doing is crying during your bottle. This is not your  normal "I'm hungry" cry.. this is a hurtful cry! You want to eat but you act like it hurts. So, I'm going to go ahead and try the soy formula. The dr. reccomended it but I didn't really wanna use it unless I had to. So, we'll give this a week or so and see if you do any better. I hate that my baby is hurting! I'm not really sure why you are constipated all of the sudden again... I just wish you could take well to a certain formula and stick to it! I hate switchin you around.

Another change is your sleep. You used to sleep between every bottle whether it was right away or waiting an hour to fall asleep. Now that you are 6 weeks you have started skipping your very early AM nap... boo! I know you will start being more alert and I'm ready for that so I can see you smile and hear you learn to coo, however that early morning nap allows mom to sleep in! Oh well, I guess it'll just get me used to getting up early for when school starts. So, now your sleep schedule is usually up between 6-7 then back down around 10 after you eat.. then you usually sleep till around 2 and eat then you might stay awake for a little bit, but eventually you fall back asleep till around 6 and then you eat again and usually stay awake for an hour maybe then you are pretty much down for the night. You get woken up around 10 for one last bottle before mom and dad go to bed! Then USUALLY you get up around 3am for a bottle again. I'm very thankful that you fall right back asleep after this 3 am feeding, because lately I have to work kind hard at getting you to go back to sleep around 10am and 2pm.. you fight these little naps for some reason!! You are so tired though!

As far as holding your head up... you are gettin pretty good at it! I like to hold you around your chest and let you practice that way so I can see you and talk to you! I'm still not seein many smiles :( You might be a little behind since you were a little bit of a premie.. but I have seen a few from ya! I'm hoping you learn to do that more in the next 2 weeks :) Still lots of sleepy time though so not much awake time to work on this either!

I cant wait till your 2 month appointment coming up so that I can see how you are growing on the chart comparitively! But then again I CAN wait because you have to get shots and I have to go back to work that week... UHH! I cant believe how fast this summer has gone and I don't wanna think about not being with my baby boy all day long :( It makes me sad that other people get to spend all day with you and I don't!! UHH :(

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