Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I never thought I'd be obsessed over... well... poop. Yes, I said it, poop. If you have ever had a child you may or may not understand. I've been trying to figure out my kid's poop since he was born.We are now on our 4th formula and I'm hoping this one is here to stay!!!!

Similac was number one... tried this one for about a week and a half, maybe 2 and he was going way to far between his poops.. like even 5 days!! So we had to ditch the similac.

Next we tried Gerber Good Start... yay he started pooping more, but still not every day. With this one is was about every 36-48 hours but he was SO gassy with this formula.. We were actually on this one until he was 6 weeks old. He started getting worse and worse belly aches with it though.

So, then the Dr. recommended soy formula. I thought for sure once we switched him to soy he'd be all better. When Jared was a baby he had to be on soy so I figured like father like son... wrong.
Once again, its all about the poop people. This formula made him go everday, but poor little guy was pushin out rocks! This stuff was hard! He was way less gassy though, but he started spittin up with this one. UHH. It's always something!

I have done so much googling on formulas in the past month then I've cared to! So, today once again I called the Dr. I told her what all the formulas have done and she thinks he needs to be on Enfamil Gentlease. This one is supposed to be gentle on the tummy and reduce gas, spit up, and fussiness. Then she had me buy miralax and I'm supposed to put one teaspoon in 1 bottle daily. I'm REALLY hoping we can stick with this one! She also said to try switching bottles and maybe that he was getting too much air. So I switched him to Dr. Browns since my sister has had good luck with them.

It is SO frustrating seeing your baby with a belly ache and not being able to fix it! I'm praying this is the last of our troubles with tummy issues!


  1. No such luck....Allie is seven with tummy troubles....three belly X-rays this year. You are right...what a helpless feeling as a mom. Laurie Drees

  2. oh no! thats not what I wanna hear! Although he does seem to be doing better...but yes such a helpless feeling. And I can't imagine going through it for 7+ years!
