Sunday, July 29, 2012

tummy time

Hunter you sure do like to cuddle. I just love it! My favorite time of day is after your bottle getting to snuggle with you, however I don't want you to get used to being rocked all day long. So, this momma has to break herself, as well as you from it! You love layin on my chest on your belly. You sleep sooooo well this way! So I just started putting you on your belly for your naps the other day. Jared and I decided we would stop rocking you to sleep during naps and let you "cry it out" in your crib. However, you have yet to cry when we put you in there for nap time. Usually you are just so tired and love sleepin on your belly that we just lay you in there and turn on your sound machine and you go right to sleep. I have been sooo nervous to do this though! I know the Doctors all say "backs to sleep" but all the older mom's out there always tell me "you kids always slept on your bellies and you are fine!" So, I thought I'd give it a try since you are getting good at holdin up your head now. Saturday you slept from 11-5 in the afternoon on your belly. Usually your naps are 1-5 so that was a whole 2 hours longer! I was worried you wouldn't sleep at night after this long nap, and you did wake up a little earlier than usual but you still slept well. So, I'm hoping we can eventually get the courage to let you sleep on your tummy through the night as well! But for now, just naps so I can check on you often and I can listen to you breathe through the monitor!

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