What a weekend! Jared went on a trip with the youth of our church to Chicago. They went to a conference called Acquire the Fire. He had a good time, but I missed him! Jen and Matt went too, so Kate and I babysat Noah. Babysitting Noah was sooo fun! It made me love him and miss him even more now that I'm not with the little man! He is just such a joy, anytime he smiles or giggles you can't help but be happy! I could kiss his little cheeks all day long!

On Saturday, Noah went through 4 outfits! He was up at 6am and so Aunt Kate and I decided to take him out for breakfast at 7am that morning, so that was one outfit. Then when we got back he spilt Kate's lemonaid allll over his clothes, so we had to give him a bath and change his clothes again. Then we went to feed him lunch and he had a mouth full of peas when he decided to sneeze and his peas went all over his clothes. So, then the next outfit just had to be changed because his diaper leaked on himself. So, it was an interesting Saturday! Oh, and right before we put him in the tub, he was standing naked on the bathroom counter and he started peeing alll over! We were dying laughing! Saturday Grandma Shelley came over to play for a little bit and then we went out to Grandpa John's house for chili and a movie. Noah slept in the pack and play while I watched the movie, so that was nice!
I was really hoping that he'd sleep good this weekend because since I started teaching I have been getting up earlier than I was used to. So, I got lucky Friday night, he pretty much slept all night, even though

he was up at 6am. Saturday night was a little different story. He was up a couple times just because he lost his passy. Then from about 3-4 he was whining/crying, so I went in there several times trying to soothe him, but he seemed like he wasn't tired! He was in there flappin his arms all excited to see me. So, I turned on his fishy machine (he has to have the noise) and then fed him a bottle at 4. I was happy after that because he didn't get up again untill 730. Sunday we had a full day of church, then lunch at Grandpa John's, and then he took a much needed nap before mom and dad came home and before trick or treating! Let me just say that he was the cutest duck I've ever seen! I just loved his little leggings that went with the costume!
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