Monday, August 6, 2012

Somebody's getting big! 2 months!

Hunter is 2 months old now :)
Wow, he's catchin up to his friends on weight already! He was about 2 pounds lighter than our friend's baby boy who was born a week earlier than Hunter and they're only a few ounces different now! Hunter's 2 month appointment is next Monday so I'll have the official weight length and percentiles then.. but on our scale he weighs 12 pounds! So, Hunter has doubled his weight already! I have a feeling we're gunna have a porker on our hands!

Look at these cheeks! He looks just like his momma here!

We just recently started puttin cereal in his bottle at night time. I know the Doctors now say not to until they're 4 months old but lots of people would say "all my kids had it at 4 weeks, or all my kids did it at 6 weeks!" So we went ahead and tried it at his 8 week mark. We make a 5 oz bottle and put 2 tablespoons in it before bed. Since we started doin that he went from 4 hour stretches at night to 6+. Yay! Last night he slept through the night for the first time! Woo Hoo! It was kind of a different night though.. we had a church picnik so we didn't get home till 10 last night. We fed him and put him to bed as soon as we got home and he slept till 5:30! Then he went back to sleep till 9:30! Yay! We also started puttin him on his belly to sleep at night time. So he officially sleeps in his crib full time now. Gettin so big! As far as sleep goes during the day, he still acts like a newborn! He takes about an hour or two long morning nap... then takes another around noon till about 3 then another around 4 till about 6 or so ... then goes to bed around 8. Such a sleepy kid!

Everytime Hunter crys I now know what's wrong, I love that! He is no longer having belly aches, yay! When he crys its now a tired or a hungy cry thank God. He does have a little bit of a fussy period though... just like his cousin Carson did. Hunter's fussy time is usually from that 6-8pm time period. For some reason his cousin Carson did the same thing. Another thing that Hunter has that's just like his cousin Carson is his sleepy eyes. When Hunter wakes up he has swollen puffy eyes! Carson does the same thing! They usually stay puffy for awhile too.

As far as clothes, Hunter is now wearing size 3 months. We had to go get some more summer 3 months clothes! I don't know if we'll be able to wear his winter 3 month stuff cause he's growin like a weed!

He's eatin about 5-6 ounce bottles about every 3-4 hours. He's still on the Enfamil Gentlease which has done wonders for him! No gas! No constipation! We are a happy boy on this stuff! A little spit up though- but I'll take it compared to the belly aches!

Developmentally Hunter is now smiling and holdin his head up pretty well! He's still not GREAT with his head but he's workin on it. His smiling is not as frequent as I'd like but he is smiling! I love seeing you smile everyday hunter! I cant wait till he gets more smiley and eventually laughs! :)  He does coo and goo now too!His favorite thing to do when he's awake is be held outside on the porch swing, lay under his play mat, or look at the fan. He's still not a huge fan of the bouncy seat or the swing but he will sit in them each for about 15 min before he gets bored with it.

We are loving every moment of raising this cute little boy who gets cuter each day!

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