Friday, August 17, 2012

Snow day? No... No Electricity day!

I've never gotten out of school because of a power outage! How cool! I had my first day at school yesterday which was a teacher's institute day. I didn't want to be there all day, but we were supposed to have parent night that night so I wasn't going to get home till about 7 or so that night. BUT we started getting some pretty bad rain, wind, and hail around 3:30. I didn't really think much of it and then the principal came over the intercom and told us to "take cover". I've never actually had to do this at school, only had a million drills for it. So the teachers in my wing went and chilled in the bathroom for awhile. Everyone was calling their loved ones and it was actually kind of scary. I am usually not scared of storms, but when you hear about a tornado being close, it's definitely freaky. I started thinking about Jared and Hunter and was just hoping they were okay! I can't imagine living life without them or any of my other family members!

After awhile we were told the tornado was passed. We looked outside and there were trees down on every corner of Windsor. So sad! I haven't heard of anyone getting hurt though, luckily!
Here are some pictures of trees near the school.
 Right outside a classroom

 This tree was completely up rooted!

Now that is some strong wind, yikes! This tree was only about 100 yards away from the
school, if that!
Needless to say there were so many downed power lines that I got a call at 5:30 AM saying there is no school today! The FIRST student day, and cancelled already. I wonder if this is foreshadowing of this winter?!

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