Friday, August 17, 2012


I have been feeing so blessed lately. We really have so much to be thankful for. I thank God for our home, jobs, son, family, friends, cars, health, and most of all relationship with Him. I can't imagine how my life would have turned out differently if my parents didn't take the time to invest in my faith and if I wouldn't have acted on it and did what I could to grow my relationship with Jesus. He is such an awesome God who loves us all so much. I heard pastor Van preached an awesome message on Sunday and I really want to listen to it since I missed it...
you can type this link into your search bar or click it...  it was August 12ths message called Minor Prophets by Van.

From what I heard, he talked about all of the signs pointing to the end times being NOW and prayed for our country. Can you believe we are in the end times? That is so exciting that Jesus will be coming back soon. Its scary how our world is becoming though, but it's all part of the end times. I kind of laugh when people talk about how the economy is so bad and surely it will get a lot better if we would just "get another president". I really don't believe it will ever get much better though... once again, it's all part of the end times.

I've been feeling a burden lately to share with more people about Him and His love. What do I have to lose? This life is temporary... I can't imagine not spending eternity with our friends and family.  I love the verse in Romans 10:9 "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is lord and God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." HOW SIMPLE! I don't believe we get to heaven by doing good deeds or being a nice person, or even by going to church. This verse states it so simply, confess! Once you confess that Jesus is lord, it's all about the relationship, not the religion. I have been so annoyed lately with people and their religions... Jesus didn't like religion. He just wants us to follow him, and repent from our sins. Why does religion have to be so complicated and so "ruley"? That is what annoys me. Its not about when you take communion, or how you pray, or what you sing, or how often you give money to the church... NOT AT ALL what we're called to do. We're called to live for him, and tell others about how much he loves us and cares for us. Have you done this lately? I'm guilty!!

I honestly have not been too stressed with going back to work lately and I think it's because I have this mind set of who cares, this life is short. WAY to short to spend it getting stressed out about the small things in life.. like if my floor is clean, or if my dishes are done, or what I'll teach next week. What about the kids who are going through real problems like not having food for a meal, or getting beaten by their dad, or those who have an serious illness. These are the people who we should be reaching, those who are hurting...
I think when I start to stress about small stuff I just remember, this life is temporary and that's now what I'm called to do is worry. When I worry and stress I'm basically saying, "Okay God, I can handle it, I don't need your help in life." Am I right?!

If you have been feeling blessed lately, good for you. I believe Jesus blesses those who are content with life.

Just sharing my thoughts friends.... feel blessed and share Jesus.

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