Thursday, December 6, 2012

6 months!

Our little guy is 6 months old today!
At 6 months Hunter is:
-wearing 12 months clothes
-wearing size 3 diapers
-weighing in at 20 pounds
-very tall! Not sure on his length yet but he even wore a
size 18 month outfit the other day.. he's going to be a tall kid!
-loving his food! He is eating baby food for lunch and supper
and eating 4-8oz bottles a day still
-grabs for everything and wants to put it in his mouth!
(He definitely knows what food is and is always wanting what people are eating)
-Favorite toys are jumperoo, any gummy teethers, and his light up dog piano
-sitting up for short periods of time- doesn't quite have it down pat yet but it's close!
-rolling from back to belly and belly to back
-sleeping all night from about 8pm-7am usually
-not really burping as much anymore. I usually just burp him once from each bottle
-nap time naps aren't really consistantly 3 hours long anymore. If he does one long one of 3 hours then his other nap will usually only be 1.5 hours... but USUALLY the shortest he naps is still 1.5 hours
-is such a happy and content baby! When he wakes up he will just lay in his crib and talk or roll over and look at his mobile go round and round
-laughs and talks a lot (loves to mimic when you talk to him he will talk back)
-holds his own bottle if it's down to 4oz or less cause its not as heavy, haha
-is getting switched to his big boy car seat this coming week! His little infant carrier is just too heavy to carry anymore. I ordered 2 really nice car seats that recline so he is gettin moved! They are also booster seats so he could technically stay in them until he weighs 80 pounds!
-Loves lookin at his daddy- anytime he's in the room he gets Hunter's full attention
Hunter, these last 6 months have flown by! I can't believe it's been half a year since you were born! You are such a joy and the best baby we could ask for. We love you baby boy!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 6 month birthday, little Hunter. "Aunt Lyd" loves you bunches! :)
