Friday, October 26, 2012

A little leakage

Here is my personal oppinon on disposable diapers... pampers all the way.

haha this is what Hunter looked like when he got up from a nap the other day. We had a huggies diaper on him and he woke up 3 hours later looking like this! I've tried Huggies, Luvs, and Pampers. I know some people say it doesn't really matter they're all the same but that is so not true for our little guy! We can leave a Pampers on him for 12 hours at night and he won't leak at all! Luvs aren't the best for night time but they work during the day. So I've been buying 1 box or 1 package of pampers for night time only and then using Luvs during the day. I actually still have 3 big boxes of diapers left from before he was born! I have only had to buy 1 box since we've had him, and that was because we needed the pampers for night time in size 3. We moved him up a few days ago and I couldn't make the size 2's last. They were huggies anyways so I just threw away the last 5 or 6 that I had left. This really surprised me that Huggies would be so BAD! They are more expensive than any other kind I've found... and I don't know why, haha. So, I think we've found what works for us! As soon as I start having to buy them I think I'm gunna try Sams because they are cheaper there and I'm ALMOST positive they have free shipping.. The membership is cheaper for Sams then it is for AmazonMom... so we'll try it! I'm pretty excited we've made it 4.5 months without buying them though! We will probably make it to 6 months!

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