Wednesday, January 11, 2012

15-16 week appointment

Today we had our 2nd appointment with Dr. Haller. We had to wait about 35 minutes to see her and she wasn't even in the room for 10 minutes with us! It was a very short visit. My blood preasure was 110/56 (I have no idea if that is normal.. sometimes I wish they'd say.) Dr. Haller then checked the baby's heart rate. I was kind of nervous when she put it on there and I didn't hear anything but then suddenly I got a big smile on my face as I heard whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh very fast! Baby's heart rate has dropped a lot- it was 162 last time and this time she said it was in the 140's. I told Jared that it was a "boy" heart rate and he said stop tryin to guess, haha. But I just can't help it! Dr. Haller asked if I had gotten sick because I lost some weight from the last appointment. I told her how I was just trying to be healthier and drink water more often. She was pleased! She said I should be gaining a pound a week from now on though, so lets see if I can catch up a bit. I feel like there will be plenty of catching up  in the weeks to come though! Today I was down 3 lbs. since the last time I went in. I think my scale must be a bit off from theirs since mine showed -5.

Our next appointment is February 8th. We will get a sonogram and I'll be 20 weeks at this appointment! :) I hope I start to feel baby move on a more regular basis!


  1. Awww yay!! :) Can't wait to see more sono pics in a few weeks! :)

  2. Hey Randi! I'm just stalking your blog and thought I'd answer your question here: your blood pressure was just a teensy bit low but nothing to worry about (I believe it tends to run low the first 1/2 of pregnancy). Normal is 120/80. :) Congratulations, by the way!
