I made it to my appointment today, yay!
First things first, I lost another 2 pounds... "Gee dang" as Jared would say! Once again, I'm guessing that is because I've got NO swelling whatsoever in my body right now, seeing as how I've been sitting for a week, swelling isn't really possible. So total weight gain for this pregnancy is down to 20 pounds. I am not a workout freak (yet) so not sure how I've maintained this 20 lb weight gain, but I'm not complainin. I know that I won't lose it as fast afterwards since there are no fluids, but its okay. As long as I can get back to CLOSE to my size before in a few months I'll be okay with that. I'd actually like to lose my baby weight plus 20 more pounds. I think I'll do the Jillian Michaels DVD "30 day shred". My sister does that video and has lost 20 pounds in 2-3 months. She also watches what she eats, but says that video really works!
Okay on to more important things... that baby's heart beat was in the 140's today. That seems to be his/her average.
My blood pressure was 124/68
And today I got my strep b swab done. This is a test they do at 35-36 weeks to see if you have a bacteria which can be passed to the baby if you do. It can be present during one pregnancy and not during the next, and its not abnormal to have it.. I guess it just happens. So if you do have it, you just have to get antibiotics in your IV when you go in to have the baby, so you don't pass it. I'm hoping I DONT have this. Those antibiotics kinda burn when they go in.
That was it with my appointment today, pretty uneventful. I was given the same orders to take my meds up to Tuesday and then I can stop them, yay! I'll be 36 weeks on Tuesday and she is perfectly okay with delivering baby at 36 weeks, so come on Tuesday!!! (not getting my hopes up the meds will wear off that fast, but I am hoping we have a baby by next Saturday.. is that too much to ask?!)
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Paci Pod
Well I decided I wanted to waste some time sewing today since I have nothing else to do! So I was looking for some baby stuff online and came across a paci pod.. which is just an easily accesable pocket on the outside of a diaper bag to keep pacis in for a quick find. So, I found a tutorial and printed out the stencil pieces. I used all of these except the small green strip (not sure what that was for, but turned out fine without it)
outer fabric is polka dots, inner lining fabric is green
step 1: pin long piece (print sides together) to the big pocket piece and sew
step 2: sew other pocket piece on top
Step 3: follow the same steps with the inside fabric (I chose a solid color, green)
step 4: sew the small pieces together, leaving the top open
step 5: sew the long strip together for the strap. You are supposed to sew wrong sides together and flip inside out, but I couldnt flip it, it was too skinny! So I cut another one and just sewed the edges of the right sides together
step 6:pin the pocket flap and the strap pieces on the outside fabric
step 7: slide on the inner fabric pocket around the dot fabric pocket and sew all the way around, leaving about an inch so you can turn it inside out
step 8: turn it insdie out!
Here it is finished! I just added velcro to the strap piece and to the flap so it can close
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Packing my bags!
As I was packing my hospital bag (again) I was checking my cameras batteries and making sure everything was set! Good thing I checked by the way! The video camera was dead and my other camera had 1/4th the battery life left! I wasn't expecting to have to pack my bag 6 weeks early so when we left in a hurry last time Jared just ran home grabbed a few things and came back. I wasn't all charged up like I guess I should have been! So today I got everything plugged in and memory cards erased and ready to go! As I was going through memory cards I came across these pictures from about a month ago that I never put online. After my shower my sisters came over to help organize the baby's room and set some stuff up. We got out the car seat and put the stroller together. We had to have some models!!
Check out these cute babies :)
Check out these cute babies :)
Noah being a ham in his cousins new jogger!
Carson loved the jogger too
But not so much the car seat! I think he is a little big :)
Besides the cameras I also packed the boppy pillow. I know a lot of people said that was really helpful when nursing baby in that hospital bed. I made sure to pack a towel because after being there for a few days I realized how small their towels are! After my shower they handed me a hand towel that didn't even cover from shoulder to shoulder. So, I knew a towel was going to be needed! I will also make sure I have my own brush shampoo and conditioner this time as well! The brush they gave me was worthless, especially since I didn't have any conditioner my hair was a tangled mess.
I definitely feel like I'm more prepared and know what I will need since I've already been once
The car seat base was installed in my car today and the car seat and other base is already in the truck and ready to go. I'm hoping baby still decides to come early... that is just a mean tease me if he/she decides to wait! Another week or 2 would be perfect timing to me!
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Change of plans
There has quickly been a change of plans! I was released to go home today! :) YAY! I was nervous about going home because I didn't want to get home and have to be drug back into the hospital and get re-admitted and another IV and all that jazz but I'm trusting God is going to keep me safe and sound at home for a few more days!
mixed emotions!
I go from being thankful I'm in the hospital and being watched to protect our sweet baby from coming to early... to being frustrated that I have to sit here for 3 more full days or more.
I can't help but wish I was already at 35 weeks so they would let me leave... but yet I am SO thankful I'm not at like 28 weeks or something more scary! I really WOULD go crazy if that were the case! And I know the baby would be in more danger.
One of my old high school teachers was in my same position a few months ago so I messaged her and asked her how far along she was when her baby boy tried coming. She said 28 weeks and she was on the pill I'm on and strict bed rest till she was 36 weeks... yuck! That made me thankful I only have 9 days left till 36 weeks :) It also made me feel better when she told me that the day she was released off her pill she started having contractions and had her baby the next day! I know it won't be long so that makes it worth it too!!
So, now you know why I have mixed emotions.. I go from being fine to crying for no reason, haha that's probably just hormones though too. I think I start getting emotional when the contractions come back regularly. The pill that I'm on is not stopping them alone, which is why I can't go home.. its taking more drugs than I'm comfortable with taking... so much for worrying about getting an epidural because of the "drugs" for the baby.. I don't think one more thing will matter at this point. I counted today how many times I've been pricked and poked with a needle of some sort and it's at 14 right now. YUCK! If you know me at all, you know that I'm soooo scared of needles. Well, having this baby is quickly getting me over that fear!
If you want to be praying, pray that I can have a thankful attitude more so than a frustrated one! Also pray the contractions can be stopped with the pill so I don't have to keep getting shots!!
I can do this, 3 more days here!
I can't help but wish I was already at 35 weeks so they would let me leave... but yet I am SO thankful I'm not at like 28 weeks or something more scary! I really WOULD go crazy if that were the case! And I know the baby would be in more danger.
One of my old high school teachers was in my same position a few months ago so I messaged her and asked her how far along she was when her baby boy tried coming. She said 28 weeks and she was on the pill I'm on and strict bed rest till she was 36 weeks... yuck! That made me thankful I only have 9 days left till 36 weeks :) It also made me feel better when she told me that the day she was released off her pill she started having contractions and had her baby the next day! I know it won't be long so that makes it worth it too!!
So, now you know why I have mixed emotions.. I go from being fine to crying for no reason, haha that's probably just hormones though too. I think I start getting emotional when the contractions come back regularly. The pill that I'm on is not stopping them alone, which is why I can't go home.. its taking more drugs than I'm comfortable with taking... so much for worrying about getting an epidural because of the "drugs" for the baby.. I don't think one more thing will matter at this point. I counted today how many times I've been pricked and poked with a needle of some sort and it's at 14 right now. YUCK! If you know me at all, you know that I'm soooo scared of needles. Well, having this baby is quickly getting me over that fear!
If you want to be praying, pray that I can have a thankful attitude more so than a frustrated one! Also pray the contractions can be stopped with the pill so I don't have to keep getting shots!!
I can do this, 3 more days here!
Friday, May 25, 2012
Braxton Hicks? The real deal?
Braxton Hicks contractions?? Real contractions?? I've been asking myself this for the past week. Everytime I feel my stomach tighten I wonder if its real or not, and usually just assume it's false labor. Well Monday of this week I started feeling the contractions more than usual.. some of them even had a little back pain accompanied. I didn't really think anything of it since I'm only 34 weeks... Tuesday the same, Wednesday the same. Each day they kept gettin a little closer together. I still didn't think they were real though because I'd have them for a few hours and then nothin.. then they'd come back. I knew that "real" contractions were supposed to be regular and increase in intensity.
Wednesday night after dinner Jared went out to mow and I sat down to watch t.v. before we planned on headin to Donsbachs to hang out. I felt the back pain again and thought I should maybe track them just to see if they were at all regular. Well they were kinda strong and causin me some stomach and back discomfort. They were about 4 minutes apart. I tracked them for a good hour or so and then went to the bathroom and found some blood (tmi sorry). This is what made me think oh crap, maybe this is real! I went outside very nonchalantly and said do you think I should call the hospital and see what they say about my contractions since they're 4 minutes apart? He didn't seem to be too worried either but we decided to call just to be safe. Dr. on call said go ahead and come in to be monitored. I grabbed my purse and we left On our way to the hospital I only had 1 contraction. We got here, checked in at the emergency room, she looked at me and said and why are you here.. haha I felt dumb because they weren't really hurting she prob. thought I was faking it or something.. but I said contractions and they wheeled me up to a labor and delivery room. We got in there and I looked at Jared and said this is stupid. I feel so embarrassed for coming and I'm not even in pain.. it's prob nothing! He goes well then they'll send us home in a few minutes, no big deal.
So, she hooked me up and sat a cup of water down by me and said have this drank in 30 minutes. I looked at Jared very shocked and said 30 minutes! Dang I thought we'd be home by then, haha. She monitored my contractions and said so when did they start? I said well technically they started Monday but just kept gettin a little stronger. She said well they are definitely contractions and they are every 2 minutes. I was so shocked. I actually said, "So I have to stay?" She said yep afraid so... they checked me and I was dialated to a 4!! That was the real shocker!! I know the real pain is coming but dang that is a good feeling knowing I'm almost half way there and had hardly no pain! :)
Well needless to say tonight is Wednesday night and I'm still being monitored and shoved full of drugs to stop contractions. Dr. wants me to stay till Tuesday since I'll be 35 weeks then and I'll be free to deliver here in Effingham anytime after that. If I get to go home Tuesday then I'll be on bed rest for a week and then free'd to have baby at my own pace. So, I'm prayin I last about 10 more days and then bring it on baby Yager!!
I have to say my worst fear is going through all of this stopping labor and then not being able to come back into labor on my own when it's allowed. I will be so ticked if I end up going late or not havin it when I'm released to!!
We'll keep ya updated! Keep prayin baby stays till at least Tuesday so that we don't have to get shipped to St. Louis!!
Wednesday night after dinner Jared went out to mow and I sat down to watch t.v. before we planned on headin to Donsbachs to hang out. I felt the back pain again and thought I should maybe track them just to see if they were at all regular. Well they were kinda strong and causin me some stomach and back discomfort. They were about 4 minutes apart. I tracked them for a good hour or so and then went to the bathroom and found some blood (tmi sorry). This is what made me think oh crap, maybe this is real! I went outside very nonchalantly and said do you think I should call the hospital and see what they say about my contractions since they're 4 minutes apart? He didn't seem to be too worried either but we decided to call just to be safe. Dr. on call said go ahead and come in to be monitored. I grabbed my purse and we left On our way to the hospital I only had 1 contraction. We got here, checked in at the emergency room, she looked at me and said and why are you here.. haha I felt dumb because they weren't really hurting she prob. thought I was faking it or something.. but I said contractions and they wheeled me up to a labor and delivery room. We got in there and I looked at Jared and said this is stupid. I feel so embarrassed for coming and I'm not even in pain.. it's prob nothing! He goes well then they'll send us home in a few minutes, no big deal.
So, she hooked me up and sat a cup of water down by me and said have this drank in 30 minutes. I looked at Jared very shocked and said 30 minutes! Dang I thought we'd be home by then, haha. She monitored my contractions and said so when did they start? I said well technically they started Monday but just kept gettin a little stronger. She said well they are definitely contractions and they are every 2 minutes. I was so shocked. I actually said, "So I have to stay?" She said yep afraid so... they checked me and I was dialated to a 4!! That was the real shocker!! I know the real pain is coming but dang that is a good feeling knowing I'm almost half way there and had hardly no pain! :)
Well needless to say tonight is Wednesday night and I'm still being monitored and shoved full of drugs to stop contractions. Dr. wants me to stay till Tuesday since I'll be 35 weeks then and I'll be free to deliver here in Effingham anytime after that. If I get to go home Tuesday then I'll be on bed rest for a week and then free'd to have baby at my own pace. So, I'm prayin I last about 10 more days and then bring it on baby Yager!!
I have to say my worst fear is going through all of this stopping labor and then not being able to come back into labor on my own when it's allowed. I will be so ticked if I end up going late or not havin it when I'm released to!!
We'll keep ya updated! Keep prayin baby stays till at least Tuesday so that we don't have to get shipped to St. Louis!!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
May 14th 2011
Here are a few pictures from our wedding! I can't believe it's been a year already! It was such a perfect day...one we will never forget!
To celebrate our anniversary, we took a trip to Chicago. It was a short trip but nice to get away and have a little fun just the two of us. We left Saturday morning and returned Sunday afternoon.
After the game we went to Dave and Busters to have a little fun playin games, then we decided to walk back to our hotel from there. It was about 9 blocks, and for my feet it was 9 blocks to many haha. But we made it and had a great trip.
I love my hubby! (even if he is a cubs fan) ;)
Friday, May 18, 2012
Awhile back..as in like December... I bought this really cool fabric from Angie's Nine Patch. The fabric had bib out lines and some square appliques. So all you had to do was cut out the pattern and pin it to another piece of fabric and then sew together! I cut out all the bib patterns and then pinned them to some white terry cloth. I then just had to sew the pieces together and add a little velcro! They turned out really cute! My favorites are the daddy and mommy ones of course :) Can't wait to see them on our little one!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
33.5 weeks
I'm almost to 34 weeks! Saying I only have 6 weeks left sounds amazing. I've gotten to the point where I'm not enjoying being pregnant anymore. I know I've had a very easy pregnancy so far with no complications but I'm gettin pretty uncomfortable and ready to have my body back!
Oh how I wish I could just go back to looking like this...
Oh how I wish I could just go back to looking like this...
...but I know that won't happen right away, or maybe ever. I'm hoping my hips don't widen too much when I go into labor, since they haven't really widened much maybe they are already wide enough to birth this baby, haha! I can hope, right?
Here is a picture of what I look like now at 33.5 weeks
I guess I should just be lucky I haven't gotten any stretch marks.
My appointment was pretty quick today. She checked my weight and I had actually lost a pound! I was pretty excited, haha. She said that means last time I was retaining more water than this time. Which I knew was true because I had a sonogram last time and I always try and get my bladder pretty full so I had drank 32 oz of water right before coming in and I'm sure I retained a lot of it becuase my feet were pretty swollen last time. This time, my appointment was at 10 a.m. so I hadn't really been on my feet at all yet for the day and therfore wasn't retaining any water....yet. But horray for being almost 34 weeks and gaining right at 22 pounds so far. I still might make my goal of not going over 30 lbs...but I still have a while yet so we'll see.
Blood pressure was good, 112/60.
Baby's heart rate was 148 and lookin good
She did check me and I wasn't dialated at all and she said baby was still pretty high. I can say I'm ready for the baby to drop so my ribs can get a break! I honestly think they are bruised on my right side! Baby is still head down and she said its unlikely that he/she will flip now since there isn't much room left in my belly! Yay!
Today was pretty uneventful but nice to hear the heart beat :)
I go back in 2 weeks and then every week from then on out! We are getting closer!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Some new toys
So after my post about my shower, you can see that we were totally blessed by a bounty of gifts! However, there were still some "big" things that we didn't get and were wanting to have for baby. A swing was a big one! I had originally registered for a portable swing, since we don't have a lot of room in our house I figured this would be the best route to go. BUT when it came time to order one, I was shopping around, mostly looking at reviews and there was no portable swing that had amazing reviews because they all said "be prepaired to buy a lot of batteries!" For those of you who don't know a portable is about half the size as a regular one and it only sits a few inches from the ground instead of a foot or two. So, I decided they need to make a portable swing that can take batteries OR get plugged in! That would be ideal! Anyways, I didn't wanna mess with buying tons of batteries for our swing so I decided to look at the bigger ones. I found this one swing that had 4.5 stars and it had 8000 reviews! So I began reading about it and decided I wanted it, haha. The only complaint was that it is large, which duh I can tell that from looking at the picture! The pros to this swing were endless though! The main attraction is the "light show". The swing comes with a sheer canopy that you can put around the seat- Jared's response to this was "is that a bug net?", haha. No, the purpose of the canopy is to provide a "screen" for the lights! The mobile spins around has lights on it that shine around the canopy creating a cute little light show! It really is pretty cool! You can choose to turn the lights on or off, take the canopy on or off, and you can have the mobile spin or not. So, lots of options, lots of song choices, and people said the lights kept their newborn happy for hours.
Here is the swing:
I was watching my new dvd called "Happiest Baby on the Block" and the Dr. on that dvd reccomends a swing to get your newborn to sleep in for the first few weeks if you are desperate. He said the rocking motion replicates the motion of the womb and it usually works when in desperate measures! I can't wait to try his techniques, I've heard they make a world of difference!
I was also in need of a high chair, walker, changing pad mattress for the changing table, and head support for the car seat. Here is the high chair all put together! We won't need it for a few months but I didn't want it sitting in the basement with the bugs, so its already in our dining room ready for baby!

I know I didn't NEED this but I also really wanted the rock and play sleeper to use as our bassinet so I bought that as well. Along with another car seat base so I don't have to mess with buckeling around the car seat in one of our cars. That way we can let whoever watches the baby borrow one for their car too if needed... so anyways I knew that all of this stuff was adding up quickly! So I looked on the facebook group "effingham garage sale" and found a walker in perfect condition! I scored this nice walker for 15 bucks! The lady said she used it once and then it sat in their basement for a year. It was covered with a sheet while in their basement so it literally has no ware on it at all! I was excited for this find! It folds up to be pretty comact too! It has lights and songs that play, and 3 different height positions.
Check out my great find!
Here is the swing:
I was watching my new dvd called "Happiest Baby on the Block" and the Dr. on that dvd reccomends a swing to get your newborn to sleep in for the first few weeks if you are desperate. He said the rocking motion replicates the motion of the womb and it usually works when in desperate measures! I can't wait to try his techniques, I've heard they make a world of difference!
I was also in need of a high chair, walker, changing pad mattress for the changing table, and head support for the car seat. Here is the high chair all put together! We won't need it for a few months but I didn't want it sitting in the basement with the bugs, so its already in our dining room ready for baby!
I know I didn't NEED this but I also really wanted the rock and play sleeper to use as our bassinet so I bought that as well. Along with another car seat base so I don't have to mess with buckeling around the car seat in one of our cars. That way we can let whoever watches the baby borrow one for their car too if needed... so anyways I knew that all of this stuff was adding up quickly! So I looked on the facebook group "effingham garage sale" and found a walker in perfect condition! I scored this nice walker for 15 bucks! The lady said she used it once and then it sat in their basement for a year. It was covered with a sheet while in their basement so it literally has no ware on it at all! I was excited for this find! It folds up to be pretty comact too! It has lights and songs that play, and 3 different height positions.
Check out my great find!
Oh and here is the rock and play sleeper... which will be used as our bassinet. I like that it folds up so nicely since our room is very small! I like that we can easily drag it around the house with us too...or to grandma's house!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
School's out for summer!
I can't believe school is out! Today is my official last day. I truly had a great first year of teaching, but that doesn't mean I'm not ready for the summer! Especially since that means baby time! This baby is supposed to arrive about half way through my summer vacation. I totally wish I had it split up to where I'll have more time off after baby gets here, but I guess only God can tell when it will be and how long I'll have. School starts up again around August 16th. So, since I'll have to go back and get my classroom set up, I'll either have just under 6 weeks or right at, depending when baby Y arrives. This is one reason why I totally wouldn't mind going a week or so early! Jared says he has a feeling I'll have baby the 2nd week of June... I think he's wishful thinking as well though... and I know for Emily's wedding sake, I better hold off a bit! :)
Emily's wedding is coming up! I am so excited for her! Since school is out, I plan on helping her with some wedding stuff these next few weeks. Her wedding is June 16th! I went over to try on my dress last night and it looks SO bad on me. UHH! I hate that I'm going to be huge and fat standing up there next to all the other girls... oh well! Anything for my Emily :)
I do think that once I get some fabric taken out of my dress it will look better. Its just swimming around my belly and that makes me balloon even more. It needs about 2 inches taken out from the bust as well.
Cathy's wedding will be next! Excited for her as well! I'm hopin I can get back to a somewhat normal size for her wedding and not look too terribly huge for it. However, I'm sure I'll look massive standing next to miss skinny mini blake!
Welp, other than that, those are our summer plans... weddings and a baby! We are excited for all 3! Oh and we are taking a mini vaca this weekend to Chicago for our anniversary! YAY! Post on that coming next week!
Emily's wedding is coming up! I am so excited for her! Since school is out, I plan on helping her with some wedding stuff these next few weeks. Her wedding is June 16th! I went over to try on my dress last night and it looks SO bad on me. UHH! I hate that I'm going to be huge and fat standing up there next to all the other girls... oh well! Anything for my Emily :)
I do think that once I get some fabric taken out of my dress it will look better. Its just swimming around my belly and that makes me balloon even more. It needs about 2 inches taken out from the bust as well.
Cathy's wedding will be next! Excited for her as well! I'm hopin I can get back to a somewhat normal size for her wedding and not look too terribly huge for it. However, I'm sure I'll look massive standing next to miss skinny mini blake!
Welp, other than that, those are our summer plans... weddings and a baby! We are excited for all 3! Oh and we are taking a mini vaca this weekend to Chicago for our anniversary! YAY! Post on that coming next week!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Kindergarten Surprise!
My little kindergarteners kept a good secret from me! Once again, some teachers at Windsor threw me a shower, but this time it was for my class and the other kindergarten class to attend! The kids were so excited! When the teachers had that shower for me, the kids were all dissapointed that they didn't get to come, so they decided to have one of their own. I loved it! I really had no idea what was going on! I think my favorite part of the shower was the binder of "advice" they gave me. Each kindergartener filled out a cute fill in the blank page about baby Yager. They guessed the sex, name, weight, length, first word, and more. It will be such a neat keepsake to go back and read with our little one someday. We had several name guesses... Hannah, Annabella, Ben, George, Bob, Dakota (this kid put his own name down, ha), and several Hunter's and Ellie's since my class already knew those were our names we picked out. I think the funniest part was their weight guesses because kids really have no idea about weight, age, length... stuff like that. Several kids guessed normal weights such as 6-10 pounds... but LOTS of kids guessed weights anywhere from 1 pound to 100 pounds, haha! The same goes for length... some put 1 inch and others put 100 inches, too cute!
The kids even brought in gifts! I was shocked and once again feeling blessed! One little girl knew our nursery was done in owls so she made an owl out of construction paper, felt, googly eyes, and feathers and glued it inside a frame. Other gifts I got were things like bath supplies (LOTS), paci's, books, bottles, sippy cup, snack cup, diapers, lots of wipes, Q-tips, toys, and even clothes! I am really going to miss this group of kids! I have gotten so close to them and the teachers this year. They have definetly made this year one I won't forget!! Love them!
I'll post pictures as soon as I get them uploaded! :)
The kids even brought in gifts! I was shocked and once again feeling blessed! One little girl knew our nursery was done in owls so she made an owl out of construction paper, felt, googly eyes, and feathers and glued it inside a frame. Other gifts I got were things like bath supplies (LOTS), paci's, books, bottles, sippy cup, snack cup, diapers, lots of wipes, Q-tips, toys, and even clothes! I am really going to miss this group of kids! I have gotten so close to them and the teachers this year. They have definetly made this year one I won't forget!! Love them!
I'll post pictures as soon as I get them uploaded! :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
31 weeks- Appointment
Today we had our 31 week appointment. We are now down to going every 2 weeks! CRAZY! Our appointment went well! We started out by getting an ultrasound, yay! I couldn't wait to see our baby's face. On the screen we got to see some really good shots of baby's face, they didn't print near as clear though. We still got a cute one though! We ended up having to get 2 sonograms because apparently during the first sonogram the legs were measuring short, so when Dr. came in she said I don't think that is right, lets go in and get some more measurments. I started praying instantly that nothing looked abnormal about our baby's legs and praise God everything looked fine the second time around. The baby sure is all balled up in there! He/she is head down, then his/her back is on my left side and the butt is on my left upper side. The feet then stretch all the way over to my right side. I knew the feet were on my right side and up near my ribs because that is where I feel all the movement! His/her hands were up by the face the whole time. The sonographer said she could already tell we have some chubby cheeks! The shape of the nose looks like momma's now! Its pretty wide, haha! My family likes to call it the Weason nose (from my mom's dad).
Baby is measuring about a week ahead and is weighing in at 4 pounds 4 oz. Doc said she is guessin a 7 and a half or 8 pound baby if I go full term. I thought that sounded like a pretty good size baby :)
As far as weight gain, I'm not happy about this report! I have gained 9 pounds in 3 and a half weeks... yuck! That was a big growth spurt unfortunately! Total weight gain so far is now 22 pounds.
Everything else looked great and we go again May 17th! Here is our cute little chub! That long thing is the arm... oh and she said it has a little hair but not much at this point!
Baby is measuring about a week ahead and is weighing in at 4 pounds 4 oz. Doc said she is guessin a 7 and a half or 8 pound baby if I go full term. I thought that sounded like a pretty good size baby :)
As far as weight gain, I'm not happy about this report! I have gained 9 pounds in 3 and a half weeks... yuck! That was a big growth spurt unfortunately! Total weight gain so far is now 22 pounds.
Everything else looked great and we go again May 17th! Here is our cute little chub! That long thing is the arm... oh and she said it has a little hair but not much at this point!
Maternity Pictures
I feel very blessed that a good friend of mine enjoys photography! Lydia and I had talked about taking some maternity pictures just for the fun of it and man they turned out cute! She had some great ideas, and we were taking pictures for a good 2 hours last Saturday. It was fun! Here are a few from our photo session!
Thanks Lydia!
Thanks Lydia!
Baby Shower #2
I was very blessed to recieve a second baby shower by the girls at work! My friend Theresa who also teaches Kindergarten planned a shower for me along with my aide Nancy, her aide Sheila, and the first grade teacher Marci. It was a cute shower as well and I got lots of nice gifts once again! This baby has lots of people who love him/her already!
Here are a few pictures from this shower. Theresa made me 2 diaper cakes and they were adorable as well! The daddy diaper cake was a cute idea! :) Jared loved the camo of course!
Here are a few pictures from this shower. Theresa made me 2 diaper cakes and they were adorable as well! The daddy diaper cake was a cute idea! :) Jared loved the camo of course!
Diaper Cakes :)
Playing the "guess what candy bar is in the diaper" game
my students made baby yager onesies! I love them!
neat magnent board with sayings to go on it
some of the teachers :)
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