Saturday, May 26, 2012

mixed emotions!

I go from being thankful I'm in the hospital and being watched to protect our sweet baby from coming to early... to being frustrated that I have to sit here for 3 more full days or more.
I can't help but wish I was already at 35 weeks so they would let me leave... but yet I am SO thankful I'm not at like 28 weeks or something more scary! I really WOULD go crazy if that were the case! And I know the baby would be in more danger.
One of my old high school teachers was in my same position a few months ago so I messaged her and asked her how far along she was when her baby boy tried coming. She said 28 weeks and she was on the pill I'm on and strict bed rest till she was 36 weeks... yuck! That made me thankful I only have 9 days left till 36 weeks :) It also made me feel better when she told me that the day she was released off her pill she started having contractions and had her baby the next day! I know it won't be long so that makes it worth it too!!

 So, now you know why I have mixed emotions.. I go from being fine to crying for no reason, haha that's probably just hormones though too. I think I start getting emotional when the contractions come back regularly. The pill that I'm on is not stopping them alone, which is why I can't go home.. its taking more drugs than I'm comfortable with taking... so much for worrying about getting an epidural because of the "drugs" for the baby.. I don't think one more thing will matter at this point. I counted today how many times I've been pricked and poked with a needle of some sort and it's at 14 right now. YUCK! If you know me at all, you know that I'm soooo scared of needles. Well, having this baby is quickly getting me over that fear!

If you want to be praying, pray that I can have a thankful attitude more so than a frustrated one! Also pray the contractions can be stopped with the pill so I don't have to keep getting shots!!
I can do this, 3 more days here!

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