Thursday, May 31, 2012

35.5 week apppointment

I made it to my appointment today, yay!

First things first, I lost another 2 pounds... "Gee dang" as Jared would say! Once again, I'm guessing that is because I've got NO swelling whatsoever in my body right now, seeing as how I've been sitting for a week, swelling isn't really possible. So total weight gain for this pregnancy is down to 20 pounds. I am not a workout freak (yet) so not sure how I've maintained this 20 lb weight gain, but I'm not complainin. I know that I won't lose it as fast afterwards since there are no fluids, but its okay. As long as I can get back to CLOSE to my size before in a few months I'll be okay with that. I'd actually like to lose my baby weight plus 20 more pounds. I think I'll do the Jillian Michaels DVD "30 day shred". My sister does that video and has lost 20 pounds in 2-3 months. She also watches what she eats, but says that video really works!

Okay on to more important things... that baby's heart beat was in the 140's today. That seems to be his/her average.

My blood pressure was 124/68

And today I got my strep b swab done. This is a test they do at 35-36 weeks to see if you have a bacteria which can be passed to the baby if you do. It can be present during one pregnancy and not during the next, and its not abnormal to have it.. I guess it just happens. So if you do have it, you just have to get antibiotics in your IV when you go in to have the baby, so you don't pass it. I'm hoping I DONT have this. Those antibiotics kinda burn when they go in.

That was it with my appointment today, pretty uneventful. I was given the same orders to take my meds up to Tuesday and then I can stop them, yay! I'll be 36 weeks on Tuesday and she is perfectly okay with delivering baby at 36 weeks, so come on Tuesday!!! (not getting my hopes up the meds will wear off that fast, but I am hoping we have a baby by next Saturday.. is that too much to ask?!)

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