Friday, May 25, 2012

Braxton Hicks? The real deal?

Braxton Hicks contractions?? Real contractions?? I've been asking myself this for the past week. Everytime I feel my stomach tighten I wonder if its real or not, and usually just assume it's false labor. Well Monday of this week I started feeling the contractions more than usual.. some of them even had a little back pain accompanied. I didn't really think anything of it since I'm only 34 weeks... Tuesday the same, Wednesday the same. Each day they kept gettin a little closer together. I still didn't think they were real though because I'd have them for a few hours and then nothin.. then they'd come back. I knew that "real" contractions were supposed to be regular and increase in intensity.

Wednesday night after dinner Jared went out to mow and I sat down to watch t.v. before we planned on headin to Donsbachs to hang out. I felt the back pain again and thought I should maybe track them just to see if they were at all regular. Well they were kinda strong and causin me some stomach and back discomfort. They were about 4 minutes apart. I tracked them for a good hour or so and then went to the bathroom and found some blood (tmi sorry). This is what made me think oh crap, maybe this is real! I went outside very nonchalantly and said do you think I should call the hospital and see what they say about my contractions since they're 4 minutes apart? He didn't seem to be too worried either but we decided to call just to be safe. Dr. on call said go ahead and come in to be monitored. I grabbed my purse and we left On our way to the hospital I only had 1 contraction. We got here, checked in at the emergency room, she  looked at me and said and why are you here.. haha I felt dumb because they weren't really hurting she prob. thought I was faking it or something.. but I said contractions and they wheeled me up to a labor and delivery room. We got in there and I looked at Jared and said this is stupid. I feel so embarrassed for coming and I'm not even in pain.. it's prob nothing! He goes well then they'll send us home in a few minutes, no big deal.

So, she hooked me up and sat a cup of water down by me and said have this drank in 30 minutes. I looked at Jared very shocked and said 30 minutes! Dang I thought we'd be home by then, haha. She monitored my contractions and said so when did they start? I said well technically they started Monday but just kept gettin a little stronger. She said well they are definitely contractions and they are every 2 minutes. I was so shocked. I actually said, "So I have to stay?" She said yep afraid so... they checked me and I was dialated to a 4!! That was the real shocker!! I know the real pain is coming but dang that is a good feeling knowing I'm almost half way there and had hardly no pain! :)

Well needless to say tonight is Wednesday night and I'm still being monitored and shoved full of drugs to stop contractions. Dr. wants me to stay till Tuesday since I'll be 35 weeks then and I'll be free to deliver here in Effingham anytime after that. If I get to go home Tuesday then I'll be on bed rest for a week and then free'd to have baby at my own pace. So, I'm prayin I last about 10 more days and then bring it on baby Yager!!
I have to say my worst fear is going through all of this stopping labor and then not being able to come back into labor on my own when it's allowed. I will be so ticked if I end up going late or not havin it when I'm released to!!

We'll keep ya updated! Keep prayin baby stays till at least Tuesday so that we don't have to get shipped to St. Louis!!

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