After a day like today I just want to quit school and be a waitress forever. Tuesdays are my really long days, so I know that played a part in my day being horrible. I got up for class at 8, came home for lunch, then went to my literature class (which I HATE reading), then came home and ate supper, then went back to class from 7-945 pm! And my last class is supposed to get out at 930, but she let us out 15 mintues late tonight, which just put me in an even worse mood. If you can't sum up your lesson in 2 and a half hours, then maybe you shouldn't be a teacher. Uhh!
Okay, but here is the real reason why I'm stressed out. Projects, projects, projects, papers, papers, papers!
Here is all of the stuff I have to do in a matter of a couple weeks:
Social Studies-
a week
unit on the state of Illinois, and actually go teach the lessons to kids at Marshall.
an aricle review which is like a 2 page paper on a schollarly journal
Middle Level Reading-
Read Holes
read Moby Dick
Do a presentation on an article review plus a paper of the actual review itself
Middle Level development-
A research paper on Anorexia
A group
unit- 2 weeks long
an article review and paper
Elementary Diagnostic Reading-
an article review and paper
assess a child outside of class and present the research and findings in research paper format
Science in the classroom:
a lesson on plants and actually teach the lesson at Mattoon elementary
a thematic
unit for 2 week span on recylcing
a research paper about recycling
several article reviews and papers
Literary Masterwoks:
read a novel every 2 weeks, really boring and hard ones might I add!
while doing all of this stuff, I also have to go out into the school for 4 weeks and teach for half a day every day.. all of these lessons are also being created by me and implemented in the classroom.
plust more professional development binders (2)
Let me tell you what a "
unit" is
a unit is like a ton of lesson plans which are each at least 10 pages long each, plus all of the extras that go into a lesson like the materials, the resources, the title, the concepts, the purpose. blah blah blah All of this has to be planned out and put into a binder. All of the lessons go together and intertwine with different subjects.
This is why I am so stressed! I feel like I just have WAYYYY too much going on in my classes to even be able to keep track of it all! That is another reason why I wrote it all out, just for myself so I can use it as a check list kind of thing. I'm guessing this isn't everything, this is just what I know about after the first 3 weeks of school. Sorry if I seem like I'm complaining, but hey, I am! Teaching is HARD and not always fun :(
This is only the beginning of the semester, my collection of binders will only grow! |
Please pray for me this semester as I go through all of the stress of school/buying a house/ and planning a wedding. Exactly 8 months from today and I'll be done with school and a married woman!