Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend I came home from school and got an extra day off for Labor day. It was so nice to get to hang out with Jared a little more than usual! Sunday we started the Labor day festivities. Dad had a cook out at our house for a few friends and family. It was fun; we played yard games, some people swam, and we ate chili, hot dogs, and brauts! It really felt like fall since we were eating chili and later that night we had a fire with smores, yum!

Mmmm Smores!
The first fire of the year, YAY!
Poor Noah was zonked out by the time we had the fire!
Meanwhile, this whole weather changing thing has gotten Jared very excited about hunting season coming up. He usually just goes deer hunting during shot gun season, but this year he bought a bow and he will be going during bow season too. This is the only part of fall that I don't look forward to, I lose my fiance to hunting! I think he shot his bow about 15 different times this weekend alone. Each time he went out to shoot he was gone for about 20 minutes. So, you do the math, and you now know why it's not my favorite! However, I do hope that he gets a deer this year, I'd like to see a nice buck!

Here are some pictures I took of him while he was practicing shooting the bow.
Then, Monday, which was acually Labor Day, we went to get that couch and then hung out at home for a little bit before it was time to head to my mom's house. Jared wanted to once again shoot his bow, haha imagine that. We had fun at my moms. We ordered Papa Johns, and then we played some yard games and just hung out. I had to head back to school that night so I didn't get to stay too long. It's always good to see my mom though! Overall, we had a good Labor Day weekend :)

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